Friday, June 27, 2014

One of my favorites

One of my favorite perennials is globe thistle. It's bushy and spiky and not traditionally beautiful, but I just love its purple-blue flowers and grayish-green leaves. Globe thistle fills a big spot, and--for that reason--I planted a new one last year to fill a gap where we cut back some of our privet hedge.

I was disappointed that it didn't get as big the first year as I thought it would, but it was beautiful all the same.

This year, I'm not disappointed. It's nearly as tall as the fence and will be beautiful when it blooms

Globe thistle also reminds me of scottish thistle. Scottish thistle is everywhere in Scotland and has been its national emblem since the 15th century! I think it's impossible to walk in the Scottish countryside without coming across thistle.

Here is a foxglove growing next to a long-distance footpath sign-- marked with the scottish thistle emblem

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Wednesday wilt

My hydrangeas and shasta daisies are looking a bit wilted out there. After such a long winter, I'm not quite ready for temperatures approaching ninety degrees.

I don't often venture someplace very warm, but-- when I do-- I am amazed by the bright colors everywhere. Bermuda, I found, is very pink!

Hot pink hibiscus

Not every flower is pink . . . 

This fellow stands out against the white

Of course, even in Bermuda there's a bit of shade

Monday, June 23, 2014

Sweet summer shade

On warm, sunny days like today, we can all appreciate those little corners of shade in our gardens. Shade gardens are peaceful, but they can also be colorful and interesting.

I have one area of shade in my garden, right along a fence, and it has been fun to pick and choose which plants might do well there.

Japanese forest grass really stands out in a shade garden and provides interest right through the fall.

Astilbe and coral bells are easy to grow and add lots of color and texture to a shade garden

Columbines and bleeding hearts are beautiful, although I don't always have luck with columbines and am still waiting for this white bleeding heart to bloom

Brunnera "Jack Frost" is another great shade perennial

Shade gardens really benefit from a variety of ground cover like lamium, wild ginger, and sweet woodruff

And let's not forget hostas and ferns: Hostas offer great color and variety, and ferns add much-needed light and airiness to a shade garden

Enjoy your shade!

June blooms

June is a wonderful month for gardens. A mix of rain and sun makes everything look lush and healthy! If you haven't had time--or don't have space--it's not too late to put together a potted vegetable and herb garden--there's nothing better than heading outside for a few leaves of lettuce and a few snips of herbs.

parsley, sage, rosemar
y, and thyme

swiss chard and lettuce

   Don't forget to mix in a few colorful flower pots

Yes-- if you love lavender like I do-- you can mix it in with annuals!

               And the garden blooms . . . 

                             Clematis and lupines

                             This lady's mantle loves its shady spot

                              It's not hard to spot the poppies and iris