Thursday, July 10, 2014

So far, so good

We have had a few hot days and an occasional rainy day, but so far this summer far surpasses the unbearable heat of last summer, and it shows in the garden. The grass is green; the flowers are blooming rather than wilting, and I have only had to water the whole garden a few times.

As spring blooms have died away, there is new color from summer bloomers.

Fragrant stella de oro daylilies are a reliable source of bright color in the garden. Although each lily only lasts one day, there are so many flowers that it blooms for weeks

Unlike English daisies (which I love, but they can get a little messy) shasta daisies stand straight and tall, and they are great for cutting to bring inside

"Moonbeam" coreopsis is bright and airy, and it really fills out a space. I keep meaning to divide this one

Purple bellflower (campanula) is another favorite burst of color

Mixed together in the garden, these flowers delight. That's "Karl Foerstar" feather reed grass below. It's taller and narrower than many grasses and so easily becomes a part of a border

Daisies and the lighter yellow "Happy Returns" daylilies brighten up the fading catmint

Shasta daisies mix perfectly with pink bee balm to peek over the front fence

I planted allium bulbs for the first time last fall, and it looks like they are getting ready to bloom

Keeping my fingers crossed that we hold onto sunshine and sea breezes!

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